Friday, May 28, 2010

The Person I am

The person I am is a result of the constant process of n number of tion's and ties's (modification,subjection,realisation,master,maturity,. put as many verbs and adjectives as u can........)of m identities (experiences,events,evaluation,achievements,failures,chaos......)for the last nineteen year fourteen days twenty hours 12 mins q seconds(go ahead check your accuracy).

For me my identity goes to my parents who gave me life more than birth,my institutions that gave me recognitions more than results,my mates who gave me memories more than moments.But the question of the "person I am" still ponders in my mind,the gambit part of  the profile "about me" is still left blank or plagiarised.

More than what other conceive of you,you are what you think of yourself.For me at times this has assumption has been peremptory when I find my friends making me realize and giving me better reflections of my character.Many times in solitude I have found myself involved in an interpersonal conversation substantiating the events of the day and a billion things.

Today I unfold myself as a culmination of exaggeration,carelessness,
confusion(am i bieng too vitriolic),ambition,thrift,sensibility,a guy who might not give his life for his friend but certainly won't give away his word for him.My sister might disclose me as a complete show off,a guy who gets rave results without reviving efforst, a boy filled with false promises in whose dictionary repentance comes after mistakes and seriousness creeps after failure(she has her own assumptions and grudges).My friends (I mean they close ones) might describe me as hail-fellow-well met(an extrovert) with impecceble sense of humour(I am the official jester in the court),some might ornament my character with tiltles like GMAT, sincere methodical sucker____________(fill it it up friends,its your chance).what girls opine of me still remains on the otherside of the balckhole(I might leave a whole para blank for that because someday, sometime......)I might not be the guy next door, I might not be a men's man,I might (can) never be a girls  Mr. right, but tell you what friend with sometime honest time of yours you give me I will bring in the best moments of your life or shall try to.

And the final lines of the first post in my blog:-"The person I am" will be completed at the last days of my life.